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Frequently Asked Questions about this site
And other useful information
O my body, make of me always a man who questions!{a}
The answers to questions we are often asked about Saint Helena Island Info
If you have a question about Saint Helena Island Info that is not covered below or elsewhere on this site please contact us.
We also have a page of Frequently Asked Questions about St Helena relating to St Helena.
01: I found another site with a similar URL - why do you have two?
03: Your site has lots of detail but can I get just the basic facts?
04: Can I quote from your site?
05: Can you help me find what Im looking for?
06: I have information to contribute to one of your pages. Can I?
07: I have a vision problem; can I change how the site is displayed?
08: I think there is an error on one of your pages. What should I do?
09: Who uses this site, and for what?
10: Why are you carrying ads for Viagra/pornographic websites?
11: Do you offer equivalent sites for Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha?
12: Why QQQQQdontQQQQQ you cover hospitals, police, etc.
13: Why QQQQQdontQQQQQ you cover ?
14: Does your site contain Adult Material?
15: How many Likes and Followers do you have on your social media feeds?
16: Have you stolen my image/other content?
17: Can I ask a technical question about your site?
18: Can I advertise on your site?
19: I love your site! Can I contribute to the running costs?
21: Who is behind this site and what are you trying to sell me?
We dont! There is only one genuine Saint Helena Island Info site - the one at sainthelenaisland.info.
That depends If your site provides information relevant to St Helena that might be of interest to our users and is not currently covered by Saint Helena Island Info, then we may put in a link to it. Please contact us, telling us in what way your site compliments ours and well consider creating a link. As is the convention on the Internet, well probably ask for a reciprocal link.
Yes! Here: Quick Facts.
You are encouraged to quote from Saint Helena Island Info. Please see our page Link To Us for more.
And please feel free to share our content using Social Media
With information pages on the site, covering our history, activities to enjoy, our natural environment, our people, past and present, places to visit and our built heritage, its not surprising if youre having trouble! We have some advice on our page About This Site.
Yes please! We welcome contributions. Just contact us with whatever you have (photographs are especially welcome) and well review your material for inclusion. But please note that we are only interested in material of direct relevance to St Helena.
Indeed you can. The simplest way it to use the Configuration option - click the icon ⵙ in the Control Icons (top, right) and from there you can change to a different colour scheme, change fonts or font size and other things.
The alternative is more complicated. Saint Helena Island Info uses a Cascading Style Sheet to control its appearance and your browser will allow you to substitute your style-sheet for ours (your browser instructions will tell you how to do this). Ours is called http://sainthelenaisland.info/normal.css and you can download this and use it as a template when developing yours.
If you have visual imparement we suggest you try Colour Scheme High Contrast or White.
Please contact us, identifying the page and explaining what you consider to be the error. Please provide as much supporting evidence as you can. Well review your input and get back to you.
All we know is that its accessed from all over the world - recently the top countries were (in alphabetic order): Australia, Austria, Brazil, Canada, China, The Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Kenya, The Republic of Korea, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, The Russian Federation, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The United Kingdom & The United States{1}. The top search topics were: Napoleon; jobs; the airport/flights; the cost of living and moving here; a good place to live and our climate. Average daily usage has recently reached around 11,900 pages from 3,700 visitors (131,400 hits) - 1,000GB of data per month.
If you are seeing such things on sainthelenaisland.info it can only be that some miscreant has hacked our site{2}. We have security measures in place to minimise this risk but nothing is 100% effective.
PLEASE contact us so that we can fix it! If our page contact us isnt working please email john [at-symbol] saint helena island [dot] info or john [at-symbol] burgh house [dot] com (ignore all spaces).
We have decided that Saint Helena Island Info will concentrate on St Helena, and have no plans to expand it to include either Ascension Island or Tristan da Cunha, though we have provided some information on these island on our pages Our Sister Islands, Ascension Island and Tristan da Cunha. If anyone wants to set up a parallel site for ASC or TDC wed be happy to provide advice and support, and to cross-link to it.
These are all run by the Government of St Helena so in general Saint Helena Island Info only mentions them in passing. We do have a page Education, there is information for visitors about some such services on our page Visitor Information and our Glossary does define some St Helena Government entities. More about health in St Helena on our page Health Issues.
If there is a subject you think we should cover and havent (in any of our information pages) please contact us to make your suggestion, but please remember the answer above.
No, but there are pages that discuss subjects from our history that may be distressing to some. Such pages (e.g. Slavery and the enslaved, Titbits from the records, Ghost Stories of St Helena and Dark Tourism) carry a warning banner, thus:
but the absence of a banner does not guarantee that the entire page is child-friendly. Children should therefore always be supervised when viewing this site. Please also see the answer above.
Who cares? We only use Social Media as tools for communicating with our users. Whether anybody Likes or Follows them is irrelevant and we dont monitor it. What we monitor is actual access to http://sainthelenaisland.info/.
Were certain we have not. We source some images and other content from the Internet, but only from public domain sources and we always respect copyright where asserted. If you think we have breached your copyright or used your copyrighted material without your permission please contact us and we will advise on how access our Alleged Breach of Copyright procedure.
Of course! First please read the sites Technical Information, and if that doesnt answer your question please contact us.
No, we do not accept advertising on our site. Learn more on our page About This Site. If you wish to advertise to the people of St Helena we suggest you contact our local media:
Want to support this site? There is no obligation, but if you want to Buy Us a Coffee your contribution will be most welcome{3}. Theres a link at the bottom of every page. It should go without saying (but were saying it anyway) that contributing financially does not confer any right to influence the content of Saint Helena Island Info.
People often ask us to help them with St Helena-related projects, such as researching family history, relocating here, getting jobs, buying and selling things and even getting messages to people. Sadly our resources are very limited and we cant help with them all. Such help as we can give is summarised on our page Help With; an index to other pages with useful information. We hope you find it a useful starting point.
Saint Helena Island Info is operated and edited by John Turner, who lives in Napoleon Street, moved to St Helena with his family years ago, obtained Saint Status in 2012 and hopes to stay here for the rest of his life{4}. We can therefore confirm that Saint Helena Island Info is proud to be Made in St Helena! .
Many have contributed content to the site and we thank them all. Please Note This site is not operated by the Government of St Helena, the Tourist Information Office or the Museum of St Helena.
Were not selling anything on this site; we just want to provide the most trustworthy source of information about our extraordinary island (please contact us to let us know how well were doing!).
For more, see our page About This Site.
{a} Frantz Fanon{b} Copyright © South Atlantic Media Services Ltd. (SAMS), used with permission.
{1} There were also 186 other countries.{2} If you see this sort of thing on one of the impostor sites it wouldnt surprise us at all!{3} Saint Helena Island Info is not, and was never intended to be a money-making venture, but if you feel you want to, please support us in any way you can. Even if you dont contribute financially please tell all your friends about the site, post links on social media, and generally help us remain the leading independent site about the island of St Helena in the South Atlantic Ocean.{4} Not that it matters, but there was an earlier John Turner here in the 17th Century. He was a soldier who arrived onboard the Johanna from Portsmouth in 1678. It is unlikely that there is any relationship.
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