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A dwarf standing on the shoulders of a giant may see farther than the giant himself.{a}

Some material on Saint Helena Island Info is sourced from elsewhere, and we thank all these contributors


The list below features those who have originated material used on Saint Helena Island Info{1}.

We thank all of them!

Contributions are indicated in the text with markers thus: {a}. Most browsers will show the text of the credit if you hover over the marker, or you can click on the marker to be taken to the credit text itself. If a marker is highlighted, click on it to return to where you were before.

Note that a Credit may be to the person or organisation that supplied the content to Saint Helena Island Info, which is not necessarily the originator of the content.

We thank all our contributors

1, 2 & 3 Main Street, 2015 1962 Film Unit, used with permission 1991 Film Unit, used with permission 2021 Census, taken 7th February 2021. Adam Sizeland ‘A Description of the Island of St Helena{2} ‘A Few Notes on St Helena and Descriptive Guide’ by Benjamin Grant, 1883 A full copy of the Crallan Report was kindly provided to us by David Pryce at the Museum of St Helena ‘A Guide to St. Helena, Descriptive and Historical’ by Joseph Lockwood, MDCCCLI (1851){3} Andrew / Peter Neaum Andrew Turner, 19th June 2015, in The Independent, 23rd January 2015 Andy Simpson ‘An Island Fortress’, by Ken Denholm, published in 2006 Anonymous, quoted in the St Helena News, 30th October 1987 Article in the New York Herald Tribune, 4th April 1961 Ascension Island Attributed to John Kerr, Paymaster of the 66th Regiment, ‘Series of views in the Island of Saint Helena’, dedicated by permission to Lady Lowe, London, Colnaghi & Co. 1822 Basil Drabble Basil George, Chief Education Officer, 1992 BBC News, November 1999 Benjamin Grant, in ‘A Few Notes on St Helena’, 1879 Bob Wilson British Geological Survey World Seismicity Database Bruce Peters Bruce Salt, ZD7ZD Bruce Salt, ZD7ZD, 13th August 2016 Burgh House Media Productions By Augustus Earle (1793-1838) Cancer Support & Awareness Cannan, Edward, Churches of the South Atlantic, 1502-1991, (Oswestry: Anthony Nelson), pp 135-136., 1992 Chris and Sheila Hillman CKW Photography Cliff Huxtable Clifford Masters Colin Fox Colonial Times, 26th June 1846 Connect Saint Helena Ltd. Creative Saint Helena ‘Curious Little World’{4}, 2007 Daily Mail Daniel Stroud David Pryce (‘Bug Man’) David Ward on Facebook™ Denzil Ibbetson Derek Richards, Island Images Domaines Français de Sainte Hélène Dr. Alexander Schulenburg in ‘Wirebird’, the magazine of Friends of St Helena{5} #30, Spring 2005 Dr. Richard Cresswell; for a time a doctor in Jamestown, 1881 Earth Observatory, taken from the ISS Ed Thorpe Ed Thorpe, in the St Helena Herald, 6th November 2009 Eliza Fay, Letter, 1817 Emma Weaver Enchanted Isle Limited Encyclopaedia Britannica Equality & Human Rights Commission Newsletter, July 2020 Eric Constantine Erich Mayer Erik Brown, Wirebird Blog{6}{17}, 18th August 2014 expatica.com, 23rd September 2015 Extract from the Proceedings of the Governor and Council of St Helena, 15th August 1710 Fantom Island Studios Faron George Fly Airlink Fondation Napoléon Freeman’s Journal, 10th May 1844 Friends of St Helena From ‘A Handbook and Gazetteer of the Island of St Helena’, by G. C. Kitching, 1947 From ‘Insula d. Helenæ’ by Theodore de Bry, 1601 Copyright © The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & The Jewish National & University Library From Ship out to isolated St Helena before the planes land, 13th February 2015, Mail & Guardian, South Africa From ‘St Helena: A Physical, Historical and Topographical Description of the Island{7} From ‘Views of St Helena’, by G.W. Melliss{8}, published in 1857 Geoff Benjamin George P Reynolds G H Bellasis, 1815 Gonny Pitlo Google Earth™ Google Earth™ Google Maps™ Government of St Helena Government of St Helena Media Review, September 2016 Government of St Helena, 10th June 2016, 14:49h GMT, 11th May 2016, 12th October 2015, 15th June 2007, 16th February 2017, 17th December 2015, 24th October 2016, 28th July 2016, 08:34h GMT, December 2024 Governor David Smallman in his book ‘A View from the Castle’, 2018 Governor Lisa Honan Governor Lisa Phillips GOVERNOR’S OFFICE, 15th July 2002 Governor Sterndale in The ‘Blue Book’, 1900 Green Renaissance G.W. Melliss{8} Hirst, T. ‘Observations on the Geology and Mineral Resources of St Helena’. Colonial Geology and Mineral Resources: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Colonial Geological Surveys 2, no. 2, 1951 Historical Papers Research Archive, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg Hokke Larsen https://oicanadian.com/ten-of-the-more-remote-islands-to-get-away-from-the-world-and-forget-about-coronavirus/ By Tammy Sewell, 5th July 2020 Hugh Crallan Ian Bruce INNES, A.L. (late 1800s, early 1900s) Into The Blue James Fantom Jane John, quoted in the St Helena Herald, 14th October 2011 J.C. Grimshaw (John) Jean-Baptiste-Henri Durand-Brager Jeb Brooks Jeff Cant JE Fowler Joanna Crowie, 10th September 2018 Joanna Roberts-George John Coyle John Ekwall, originator of the site ‘The Homepage of St Helena John Isaac Lilley, 1861-1866 John Kerr, Artist John Melliss, The island of St Helena, 1909 Johnny Clingham John Tyrrell John Vigor, ‘Small Boat to Freedom’, 2005 João de Barros, Portuguese chronicler, 1552 Julian Cairns-Wicks, writing in the St Helena Herald, 6th June 2003 Ken Denholm Leigh Morris Letter in The Independent, 17th July 2015 Letter in the St Helena Herald, 11th October 2002 Letter to the St Helena Herald, 19th October 2001 Liberated African Advisory Committee, August 2020 Lolly Young Lonely Planet www.lonelyplanet.com Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, House or Lords#, 10th February 2021 Lynette Stuart (nee Joshua) Made for the St Helena Heritage Society AGM 2019 by Burgh House Media Productions Manfred Rippich (Germany) Manfred Rippich/Radio St Helena Marc Lavaud/Tourist Information Office Mark Westmoquette Matt Joshua Media Review Report, September 2016 Michel Dancoisne-Martineau Mike Olsson, Editorial, St Helena Herald, 15th August 2003 Mike Thorsen Imagery banzaichicken.blogspot.com{6} MJ Ltd mongabay.com Museum of St Helena Napoleon on Saint Helena Website Napoleon’s Garden Island by Donal P McCracken (2022) National Geographic Magazine Neil Fantom, January 2019 NGV (Australia), 3 October 2012 Nick Thorpe Nico Van Heerden{9} allatsea.co.za awshipmanagement.com expert-tours.de mg.co.za, Retrieved 13th February 2015 twoyearsintheatlantic.com, Retrieved 27th October 2015 voyage.sh worldlicenseplates.com www.britishmuseum.org www.bvibeacon.com/‌commentary-ots-far-and-wide-compared, 31st October 2018 www.cia.gov/‌the-world-factbook/‌countries/‌saint-helena-ascension-and-tristan-da-cunha, Retrieved 19th January 2016 www.dailymail.co.uk/‌news/‌article-4459546/‌Jet-finally-lands-300m-airport-British-taxpayers-built.html, Retrieved 1st May 2017 www.dailymail.co.uk/‌sciencetech/‌article-5168349/‌British-overseas-territories-protected-bluebelt.html, Retrieved 12th December 2017 www.eggsa.org www.express.co.uk/‌life-style/‌top10facts/‌578692/‌Top-10-facts-about-St-Helena, Retrieved 20th May 2015 www.express.co.uk/‌life-style/‌top10facts/‌612059/‌Top-10-facts-Saint-Helena, Retrieved 15th October 2015 www.express.co.uk/‌news/‌world/‌1597259/‌st-helena-south-Atlant, April 2022 www.express.co.uk/‌news/‌world/‌1837368/‌best-place-to-visit-2024-saint-helena, 27th November 2023 www.geograph.org.uk/‌photo/‌1654989, Retrieved 4th June 2016 www.google.com/‌maps/‌d/‌viewer?mid=zi665egJf8Wk.kXYdgrku0pgI&hl=en_US, Retrieved 5th October 2015 www.independent.co.uk/‌news/‌world/‌africa/‌st-helena-first-commercial-plane-remote-british-territory-south-africa-a8001061.html, Retrieved 15th October 2017 www.leonneal.com/‌albums/‌TyuVD/‌the-island-of-st-helena-1, 2017 www.mantiscollection.com/‌hotel/‌st-helena-luxury-hotel, Retrieved 4th July 2018 www.mygreenpod.com{10}, 14th August 2015 wwwnc.cdc.gov/‌travel/‌destinations/‌traveler/‌none/‌saint-helena, Retrieved 19th January 2016 www.news24.com, 16th September 2015 www.nla.gov.au/‌media-releases/‌2016/‌02/‌17/‌nla-make-digital-history-today, Retrieved 20th November 2017 www.sn.at/‌panorama/‌international/‌erster-linienflug-verbindet-st-helena-mit-dem-rest-der-welt-19311487, Retrieved 16th October 2017 www.telegraph.co.uk/‌culture/‌culturepicturegalleries/‌11535568/‌Napoleons-final-resting-place-in-pictures.html, Retrieved 11th June 2015 www.telegraph.co.uk/‌travel/‌news/‌st-helena-285million-airport-unsafe-for-most-passenger-planes, Retrieved 22nd June 2016 www.theguardian.com/‌global-development/‌2016/‌jun/‌09/‌planes-unable-to-land-at-285m-cliff-top-airport-on-island-of-st-helena, Retrieved 10th June 2016 www.theguardian.com/‌uk-news/‌2016/‌sep/‌21/‌st-helena-islanders-compensation-285m-airport, Retrieved 23rd September 2016 www.thesun.co.uk/‌news/‌23623922/‌isolated-tropical-paradise-island-stunning-scenery-british/‌?fbclid=IwAR2ktWwOpKViuRHHkpqya7ihn7g1AWBPAYY1YJ0g7NpoFPwPBv1XwFePJGM, 24th August 2022 www.thesun.co.uk/‌news/‌5112239/‌these-brit-territories-will-be-protected-in-blue-belt-plan-inspired-by-blue-planet-to-save-oceans-and-endangered-species, Retrieved 12th December 2017 ‘Observations made at the Magnetic and Meteorological Observatory at St Helena’, Lieutenant-Colonel Edward Sabine, 1847 Oceanographic Magazine Office of the Governor Office of the Governor, 31st July 2002 On Royal Engineers 1872 map On Social Media, name withheld, just in case anybody from the military decides it’s not too late to prosecute!, 6th December 2018 Oswell Blakeston, in his book ‘Isle of St Helena’, 1957 Our Constitution, 1st September 2009 Ozias Humphreys Paul Goodwin Paul McCartney, Hobart, Australia{11} Paul Tyson, 20th October 2016 Paul Weller, then producer on WGGH-AM 1150 Marion, IL (the inserts were recorded in the USA and mailed over) Peter Hohenhaus dark-tourism.com, used with permission Peter Mott Philip and Myrtle Ashmole Philip Gosse in St Helena 1502-1938 Posting on www.tripadvisor.co.uk, 2015 Press Release, Office of the Chief Secretary, 3rd December 2003 Quoted from the posting ‘Walking St Helena - Diana’s Peak’ on blog Two Years in the Atlantic{6}, 30th March 2015 Radio St Helena/Museum of St Helena, digitised by Burgh House Media Productions Rambling Wombat recorded by the editor of this website from his home in Napoleon Street Retrieved from www.sscityofcairo.co.uk, Courtesy and Copyright Deep Ocean Search Richard Surveyor, 4th December 2018 Robert Montgomery Martin in ‘History of the British Possessions in the Indian & Atlantic Oceans’, 1837, 1837. Robert Stephen, a serviceman stationed here in World War 2, from his memoirs ‘Around the Atlantic’, reproduced in ‘Wirebird’, the magazine of Friends of St Helena{5} #46, 2017{12} Robert Wilson Robin Woodruff Robyn Sim Roger Kinns, ‘Time Signals for Mariners in the Atlantic Islands and West Africa’, Journal of Astronomical History and Heritage, 24(2), 315-336, 2021 Roger S Key Ruthie Stevens, December 2017 Sainte Hélène Voyage Saint Memes (group) Sandra Henry, 4th December 2018 S.H.A.P.E. Sheila Cook SHG Press Release, 6 August 2013 SHG State of the Island report, 2015 Social Media User{13} Some material for this page comes from here: www.napoleon.org/‌en/‌reading‌_‌room/‌articles/‌files/‌helena‌_‌prison‌_‌obey.asp, 17th September 2004 South Atlantic Environmental Research Institute (SAERI) South Atlantic Media Services Ltd. (SAMS), used with permission. ‘Spatial identities of the citizens of Saint Helena’, by Maarten Hogenstijn & Daniël van Middelkoop, 2001 Speaking Saint’, Anthony Hopkins, ‘A Fifty Year Journey’, 2015 Spike Milligan Stedson Stroud Steve Owens, for the St Helena Tourism Association Stewart Evans, 26th January 2018 ‘St Helena 1502-1938’, by Philip Gosse St Helena Advocate, 28th September 1852 St Helena Airport Limited St Helena Airport Update #69, 26th November 2015 St Helena Art & Crafts St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society (‘SHATPS’) St Helena Astronomy Club sthelenablog.wordpress.com St Helena Government, 16th June 2015 St Helena Government Press Release, 3rd November 2011 St Helena Guardian, Saturday, 9th October 1920 St Helena Herald, 10th February 2012, 10th May 2002, 12th October 2001, 28th March 2003, 28th September 2001, April/May 2002 St Helena National Trust, Published in the St Helena newspapers November 2015 St Helena News, 1991, 1st March 2002, 12th April 2001, 21st July 2000, July 1975 St Helena News (group) St Helena newspapers, 20th March 2015 St Helena News Review, 1st August 1980, 2nd December 1983, 24th August 1984, 24th January 1986, 27th February 1981, 5th December 1980, December 1985, November 1975, November 1980 St Helena Online, 23rd March 2015 St Helena Photos & Videos St Helena Photos & Videos (group) St Helena’s Nature Conservation Group (SNCG) St Helena Statistics Office ‘St Helena, The Historic Island, From Its Discovery To The Present Date’, by E. L. Jackson, published in 1905, 1905 St Helena Travel (group) St Helena Virtual Library and Archive Sub-Tropic Adventures Szymon Kalwat Taken by a participant in the island’s first ‘Dark Sky Tour’, May 2015. Tammy Williams, in The Independent, 24th April 2015 The BBC. The ‘Blue Book’, 1887, 1888, 1929 The Historic Environment Record The Independent, 1st May 2015, 10th April 2015, 15th May 2015, 16th July 2010, 22nd May 2015, 23rd October 2015, 7th August 2007, 7th December 2007 The Portsmouth Telegraph, quoting a letter dated St Helena, 29th January 1819 the Records The RSPB The Sentinel, 17th March 2016, 25th February 2016, 30th March 2023, 9th November 2017 The St Helena Institute, Retrieved 3rd December 2015 The Times, Saturday 14th August 1819, issue 10752, pg 2 The ‘Toby’s Briars cultural and Historical Centre’ project, being run by the British Napoleonic Bicentenary Trust This image is usually attributed to Denzil Ibbetson, however according to our researches the theatre wasn’t burned down until 1831 but Denzil Ibbetson left St Helena in 1823 Thomas Jackson, Island Chemist Thomas Worthington King, 16th November 1842 Tim Cattley Titan Airways Tourist Information Office, 10th December 2015, March 2015 Tricia Hayne/Tourist Information Office Two Years in the Atlantic{6}, 7th November 2014 UK Government UK National Archives MPH 1/251{14}{15} UK National Archives on Flickr™{16} UK Overseas Territories Conservation Forum UNDP, 2000 Union-Castle Line Faceboog™ Group ‘U.S. Consular Mail from St Helena’ (2002), by Michael D. Mueller, St Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha Philatelic Society (‘SHATPS’) Various Sources, 19th October 2015 Vince Thompson, in The Independent, 17th January 2014 Vue de la baie de Jamestown, 1705, by A. Callendar Walter Barshai Wanderlust magazine, 21st March 2014 W A Thorpe & Sons W G Tatham in ‘Emigrants to St Helena’, 1966 William John Burchell Wirebird Blog{6}{17}

Material Used Declaration

Information is reproduced here for educational non-commercial use only; all copyrights are acknowledged. Excerpts fall within the doctrine of ‘fair use’.

Information and images presented on this site are gleaned from many sources, mostly on the Internet but all in the public domain. Acknowledgement is offered to:

Some images are sourced from the Wikipedia (and related projects) and are used under the Creative Commons Licence{12} Creative Commons Licence logo @@E@@.

We source some images and other content from the Internet, but only from public domain sources and we always respect copyright where asserted. If you think we have breached your copyright or used your copyrighted material without your permission please contact us and we will advise on how access our ‘Alleged Breach of Copyright’ procedure.


{a} Didacus Stella


{1} Please note that this list is collected automatically and its always possible somebody got missed…if we missed you please contact us.{2} …containing Observations on its Singular Structure and Formation; and an Account of its Climate, Natural History and Inhabitants’, 1st May 1805.{3} Kindly provided to us by David Pryce at the Museum of St Helena.{4} ‘Curious Little World - A Self-Imposed Exile on St Helena Island’, by Rex Bartlett. Toppermost Books, ISBN 978-0-9783927-0-3 2007.{5} The four ‘Wirebird’ publications should not be confused.{6} See more blogs.{7} …including the Geology, Fauna, Flora and Meteorology, by John Melliss, published in 1875.{8} Father of John Melliss.{9} A tourist visiting in 2010.{10} Article included on our page Read articles about St Helena.{11} Paul’s father was the island’s doctor in the 1960s and Paul accompanied him here. Paul visited St Helena in June 2018 and kindly gave us permission to use these family photographs.{12} @@RepDis@@{13} Posted on Social Media and used with the poster’s permission but they wish to remain anonymous.{14} Not to be confused with the St Helena Archives.{15} Download the full map.{16} Images are labelled ‘No known copyright restrictions’. Not to be confused with the St Helena Archives.{17} Published by the Tourist Information Office{5}.