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From 1810-1836 large numbers of Chinese labourers were brought here to work
In the early years of the Colony manual labour was mostly performed by the enslaved but their emancipation in the early 19th Century left a gap in the labour market. Governor Patton (1802-1807) had the idea of bringing in workers from China to overcome the labour shortage. He sent to contacts in China requesting that men be recruited and sent over on short-term contacts to be put to labour here. They were not to be enslaved; they were to be paid, albeit poorly. Accommodation was to be provided (though the quality of same was not advertised) as was transport to and from St Helena.
Governor Pattons request did not receive an immediate response. Indeed it was not until May 1810, under Governor Beatson, that the first Chinese labourers arrived. Initially only a relatively small number decided St Helena was the place for them; a note in the Records dated June 11th 1810 reports that there were 54 Chinese labourers on the island at that time. The Governor proposed that Sgt. Thos. Ford act as their overseer, managing the supply of workers to the various farms and plantations including The East India Company gardens at Plantation House. Ford calculated the cost of bringing in Chinese labourers at £28 per annum per person, so it was concluded that St Helena would benefit from bringing in many more - maybe up to 300. Governor Beatson agreed and also suggested they could aid the military as labourers, and would also reduce demands on soldiers to perform labouring duties. Beatson recommended to Council that number be immediately raised to 200.
Initially employed on 3-year contracts but later extended to 5-year contracts, most went home to their families in China at end-of-contract. Only a few were permitted to stay{3}.
A further 150 Chinese labourers arrived in July 1811. Amusingly, their arrival caused the administration to realise that there were insufficient quantities of agricultural tools on the island for them all to use, so a request was swiftly sent to London for urgent supplies{4}.
In November 1813 a census indicated a Chinese population of 227. This had risen to 530 in March 1817 and 615 in July of the same year, broken down by skill as follows:
Interpreters: 1; Parsons: 1; Carpenters: 48; Coopers: 3; Stoneblowers{5}: 5; Stonecutters: 91; Masons: 33; Blacksmiths: 10; Pitchers{6}: 1; General labourers: 422
It is thought most of them came from Macau or Canton. Not all were specifically transported here; it was also common to recruit Chinese seamen from calling ships.
Note that although the initial request was for general labourers, it was soon discovered that artisans (in various trades) also applied. There were brought here and applied to their trade (no doubt much to the dismay of the islands established tradesmen). Chinese labourers are known to have helped in fixing up Longwood House for use by Napoleon, including building the pavilion and an aviary (now in a museum in Chateauroux). Some think they also contributed to building The Run.
The Chinese were technically guests on the island, but that is certainly not how they were treated. Indeed it seems their treatment was little better than that of the enslaved they replaced. Here are a few examples from the Records:
In all the official records the Chinese were identified by numbers, not names. It seems nobody bothered to learn their actual names. Each was issued with a small token showing his allocated number. We dont know for certain why this was but it might have been because their names did not easily translate, or it might have been because they were viewed as machinery not as people and treated accordingly; the reasoning is not recorded{7}.
Their accommodation was basic. A report from 1814 observes: The sheds built against the Lieutenant Governors Garden Wall, intended for cattle but which are now converted into quarters for the Chinese employed at Longwood, are in a wretched state, unfit even for their original purpose - they are deplorably bad to lodge human beings in.
Chinese burial ground{e}
The Chinese were not Christians so those that died while in service here were not permitted by the Church to be buried in church burial grounds. An area was set aside in what is now Half Tree Hollow for burial of their remains (see map right).
Overseer Thomas Ford was charged with selling clothing to the Chinese at exorbitant prices. When the case was heard, he denied the charge and was cleared. Evidence provided by the Chinese victims was ignored. Indeed, those Chinese who he said owed him money were ordered to have their pay stopped until the debt was repaid.
On 15th October 1835 Acho, one of the Chinese labourers, was sentenced to death for Burglary. Messrs Greentree and Brooke protested against any reprieve, but nevertheless Acho was reprieved by Governor Dallas and transported to Australia (we do not know what became of him there).
Possibly influenced by their poor pay and mistreatment, the Chinese did not always behave themselves on St Helena. Here are a few incidents from the Records:
In August 1811 the Chinese community was accused of counterfeiting currency. Whether they actually did this or were just the easy scapegoats for somebody elses crime is not known, but it prompted a proclamation that: All Chinese upon the said island are to take notice that, whilst resident upon it, they are subject to the laws of England and also to the laws of the island, and any violation will be punished in the same manner as if the offender were a British Subject. Murder, Sodomy, Rape, Robbery, house-burning and imitating British coins will be punished with Death. Petty thefts, assaults and all crimes not punishable by Death will be punished with flogging, imprisonment, fine, putting in the stocks, or in such other manner as the nature of the case may require{8}.
The Chinese were also accused of thefts and other crimes, and as a result a curfew was imposed with effect from 23rd November 1811.
Many of the overseers constantly complained that the Chinese declared themselves sick to avoid work, so the administration set up a formal deduction of pay for days declared sick of 2/6 per day (£0.125). Given that the pay for an ordinary labourer was only 30s per month (£1.50), i.e. about 14d per day (£0.06) this meant that a sick day actually cost the individual two days pay!
Some specific crimes and their sentences noted in the Records were:
24th March 1815: Chinese Nos. 90 and 150 charged with breaking down a fence in disobedience to orders written in their own language. SENTENCE: Fined 2 dollars each{9}.
30th March 1815: Chinese No. 202 charged with having a loaded pistol and knife concealed, suspected to take the life of another Chinese. SENTENCE: No. 202 forfeits pistol and knife, powder and ball to be sold by auction for the benefit of the Chinese Fund{10}.
3rd April 1815: Chinese No. 152 charged with striking Overseer Carshaw. SENTENCE: 100 lashes and fined 20 shillings (£1.00), to be stopped in 2 monthly instalments.
In February 1815 there was what is described as a Riot among the Chinese, which was quelled by the islands military with extreme force. Several soldiers were subsequently disciplined for using excessive force{11}.
On 4th August 1819 Count Balmain, Russian Commissioner on the Island of St. Helena 1816-1820, reported another Riot that had occurred on 31st July: On the first of this month the seven to eight hundred Chinese workmen, kept here by The East India Company, began a very bloody riot which seems to have been caused by some religious dispute. Formed near Plantation House into three or four bands of about 150 each, armed with bamboo sticks, spears, knives etc., they rushed upon each other with frightful ferocity. The army of Confucius, uttering piercing cries, gave the alarm to the post at High Knoll Fort. Instead of sending over a strong patrol of dragoons, which would have dispersed them in a moment, they despatched some St Helena sharpshooters, for the most part drunk, all young lads who were impatient to finish the affair, and who, without waiting for anybodys orders, started shooting wildly. There were some Chinese killed and a good many wounded. It is understood that the commanding Officers will be court-martialled. (More below.)
Some Chinese clearly decided that they did not want to complete their contracts. In July 1814 Caption Harrington of the Maleby Castle reported finding some Chinese stowaways attempting to desert.
Chinese population, May 1810 to March 1836
When he arrived in 1823 Governor Walker decided there were too many Chinese on the island The establishment has gradually increased until it has more than doubled the original number and at present greatly exceeds the wants either of the inhabitants or of the Public. By the last return, the number of all descriptions was 442. The alteration in the circumstances of the island{12} certainly does not require the present number of Chinese. It was agreed by Council that numbers be reduced to 300 and no more to be landed. On 3rd April 1824 151 Chinese were embarked on board the General Harris. A further 54 were sent on the Lord Lowther on 20th April 1826.
By 25th October 1826 Governor Walker reported there were 233 remaining Chinese, comprising 44 labourers; the rest as Cooks, House Cleaners, workers at the Fortifications, and other Public works, not from any real necessity, but principally because they are in the island, and as long as they remain, must be employed in some way. He went on to say It has occurred to me that by substituting European labourers for the Chinese, the agricultural improvement of the island would be accelerated in a much greater degree and at a much cheaper rate. The labour of one European is at least equal to that of 2 Chinese.
As a result here is a communication to Captain McMahon, Superintendent of Chinese, dated 2nd March 1836: Sir, I am directed by HE the Governor to inform you that all the Chinese at present employed at the Public Works and any others who may be desirous to proceed to China, are to be ready to embark on board the Atholl on or about the 12th Inst. R F Seale.
Apparently thereafter only 27 Chinese remained. Whether they continued living here or moved on is not known, with only one exception: in The Blue Book for 1846 we find a record under Pensions:
Chinese Achan, a carpenter in the Companys service, late Engineer Department: £18 5s 0d
An inch of gold wont buy an inch of time.{d}
Bye-laws for the colony of St Helena, compiled 1823, published 1828
No Chinese are permitted to be on the Island without written permission.
Every Chinese that enters on the Companys Establishment is subject to serve for the full space of five years; and if, at the expiration of that time, he is desirous of quitting the Island, a passage will be found for hi m to return to his native country at the expense of the Honourable Company.
If it be found necessary, either before or after the term of five years, to send a man from the island, a passage will, in like manner, be found for him.
Every man is henceforth to be furnished with a n umber, engraved on a copper medal, which he is required to wear at all times suspended, either round his neck, or on a button on the breast, so as to be conspicuous. The Interpreters and Priests will be furnished with silver ones.
Those men who are employed in town are required to quarter themselves at or near the Red Quarry{13}, and in no other part of the town.
Those employed at Plantation House and Farm are either to occupy the quarters allowed, or hut themselves in the same valley.
Those employed at or near High Knoll are to occupy the quarters allotted, or amongst their countrymen at Plantation House.
Those about Longwood farm are to hut themselves in the place which may be pointed out, and no other.
The Chinese will receive a full allowance of provision as heretofore, but the pay will be regulated, from the 1st of October 1823, at the following rate, viz. Two interpreters, each 50s per month; two priests, 50s per month; and all others 30s per month. Those who may be employed as Mechanics of the first order viz. Carpenters, Coopers, Painters, Stone Blowers, Masons, Blacksmiths and Pl umbers, will receive an addition of 9d. per day, for the days actually employed as such and no others, - Those who are in like manner, employed as Mechanics of the 2nd Order, as Stone Cutters, Pitchers etc. an addition of 6d per day.
It would be improper to require the Chinese to work on a Sunday as on other days, yet a total exemption from needful labour is not necessary. The Chinese will be allowed the same holidays as the European workmen, but on those days, and on Sundays, they are to be put on the same footing as Europeans with respect to service and attendance that is those who are engaged as Cooks, House-cleaners, Grooms, Persons in charge of grounds or livestock etc. shall be obliged to perform those little offices which are required by necessity and convenience without any additional pay whatever; those who refuse to submit to this rule will not receive pay for such holidays at all, but those who comply with it will receive their usual pay.
The working hours for Chinese are from 6 to 8, from 9 to 12 and from half past one to sunset. They are to be at their work during these hours without being called or warned to their labour by overseers; and any Chinese coming late to his work or quitting it before the proper time, shall forfeit one third of his days pay; if absent for the whole of any of the three periods, he shall forfeit half a days pay, and if absent longer during the day, he shall forfeit the amount of the days pay and rations, and the forfeiture shall be increased to half for every succeeding days absence- It is but reasonable that they should be made answerable for their own negligence, and for the loss of time and trouble, before they are driven out of their huts and compelled to go to work.
A Chinese, who while at his work may be idle and inattentive, and not perform the quantity of work that might fairly be expected from him, shall only be paid for such part of the days work as he may be estimated to have done, and any Chinese who may be guilty of habitual idleness, or absence from his work, shall be struck off the pay list and kept at work, receiving his ration only, until opportunity offers of sending him from the island.
When a man is sick and unable to perform his work, he is to be sent to the Office of the Superintendent, in order to his being furnished with a note to the Hospital, and, whilst a patient there, a stoppage of nine pence per day will be made from his pay; when recovered, he will have a written discharge, which he is to produce at the office, and from thence will be returned to his respective employment.
Sickness in quarters not being allowed, a man remaining from work under that plea, or failing to produce at the office his discharge from the Hospital on the same day, will be treated as an absentee from work.
The Chinese Establishment being divided into two tribes, viz. Canton and Macao, each will be allowed an Interpreter and a Priest. These persons are held responsible for the conduct of their respective tribes, and in case of any tumult amongst them, the persons of all or either of these men will be secured and confined if they do not make an immediate report.
Any Inhabitant of the Island who may be desirous of hiring a Chinese will make application and will be charged at 1s 9d per day for a labourer; 2s 6d. for a Mechanic of the first order, and 2s 3d for a mechanic of the second order.
Persons hiring Chinese are only subject to a charge for their labour 6 days in the week, and on general holidays they will not be charged.
It is desirable that every man should attend to receive his own pay and rations, yet this does not entitle him to consider it a day of exclusion from labour.
Chinese are not to be moved from one employ to another without previous notice being given at the office of the Superintendent.
No Department or Individual is to receive nor dismiss a Chinese without written notice from, or to the Office of the Superintendent.
In all Departments where Chinese are employed a list is to be kept and daily check made against each Man.
Gambling must be suppressed as much as possible, consistent with recreation and harmless amusement. Professed Gamblers when detected are to be treated as incorrigible Idlers; that is to be allowed their rations only, and kept at work until they can be sent back to China. Those who are convicted of selling wine and spirits are to receive the same punishment.
The 1819 Riot
From the Records
Aug. 16, 1819 - A very painful occurrence which has occasioned the death of two Chinese who were fired upon by a non-comd. officers party of chiefly St. Helena Artillery. On 31st July their contentions began to threaten serious consequences. Upon the interpositions of Capt. Shortis who assembled a party of soldiers, orderlies, stablemen and workmen employed about Plantation with some military workmen from High Knoll, tranquillity was assumed. The soldiers were scarcely withdrawn when a shout from one of the Chinese was followed by a number of others rushing out in a tumultuous manner. The soldiers returned and the Chinese again became tranquil.
On the following morning Capt. Shortis proceeded to town for the purpose of reporting to the Governor, ordering his Sergeant to keep his party on the alert. Soon after the Chinese upwards of 100 on one side and between 200 and 300 on the other commenced fighting, on which the soldiers marched down the hill. One of the Chinese parties immediately united with the soldiers. The other party dispersed in various directions and whilst several of them were scrambling up the opposite hill some stones were either thrown or rolled down, one of which it is said struck a Corporal. He immediately fired his musquet - his example was followed by the rest when two Chinese were killed. The Coroners Jury returned a verdict of murder.
Aug. 23 - Special Sessions - After a patient hearing of 14 hours the soldiers were acquitted.
The Chinese had assembled in large numbers with knives and other weapons and first attacked the soldiers (who were sent to quell the tumult) with stones and glass bottles.
The Chinese Connection
By Mike Olsson, published in the St Helena Herald 3rd August 2002{1}
In the mid 90s, a Chinese gentleman based in Manchester, Mr Yu Sang Lee, arrived to St Helena, investigating the possibilities to le-locate companies from Hong Kong to St Helena. At this time, Hong Kong was a British Overseas Territory like St Helena but the transfer of the Territory to Communist Chinese rule had been decided and the uncertainty of the future made many Hong Kong citizens and companies to look for suitable new homes and locations around the world. St Helena was suitable as a small-scale safe haven for immigrants from Hong Kong. We were, and we are, a British Overseas Territory as Hong Kong, which the immigrants were used to. We have free trade with the European Union, which it was feared that Hong Kong would lose with the transfer to a new regime. A British Passport was also a future prospect for the people. The British Passport was a very important factor.
Mr Lees interest for St Helena followed a meeting he had with Mr John Clifford in London. Mr Lee had served in the Hong Kong Police prior his career in business and they met at a common police friend in Manchester.
Mr Lees main backers were a Hong Kong textiles company, Best Policy Co Ltd, belonging to a Hong Kong conglomerate called Tai Chung Co Ltd. Best Policy Co Ltd still exists making mainly leather watchstraps and parts. Mr Lee also had other ideas in his portfolio such as shark meat and fin processing.
The proposed clothing manufacturing was in a, for St Helena, grand scale. Mr Lee wanted to bring in 300-1,000 Chinese key personnel, including families to the Island but the mainstay of the workforce needed would be employed locally. According to Mr Lee, at least 300 Chinese were needed to make the proposal economically viable.
The factories would import raw materials from the Far East, assemble the products here and ship them to their markets, mainly in the EU and in the US. The Hong Kong companies promised to pay all development costs, including subsidies for additional doctors, policemen and teachers, needed because of the increase in population. One of the requirements stated by the investors was the acquisition of St Helena Nationality as soon as possible after 1997, as from that date the immigrants were effectively stateless. The time-scale for this development was very precise. The factory had to be up and running and the immigrants present on the Island well before 1997, the year when Hong Kong was transferred to Communist China rule. The proposal was discussed on the Island but Mr Lee had problems to get support for his and his principals ideas. With hindsight, Mr Lees ideas could have been a start for St Helenas development and it would have fallen in well with the Islands history - It would not have been the first time Asian workers had been taken to the Island to bring new skills and replenish the workforce. At the same time, the reluctance in St Helena to accept the proposal is understandable, as the massive change in the community must have seemed fearsome. Reading the proposal from Mr Yu Sang Lee it stands quite clear that the main purpose for the investment was to get people out of Hong Kong more than create a profitable business in St Helena and that, presumably, the immigrating workers and their families had to pay substantial amounts of money to come here instead of getting paid for their work. International politics very often create business opportunities.
{a} John Kerr, Artist{b} G.W. Melliss{14}{c} Jean-Baptiste-Henri Durand-Brager{d} Chinese Proverb{e} On Royal Engineers 1872 map
{1} @@RepDis@@{2} Extract from John Kerrs 1819 painting of Plantation House.{3} Some have observed parallels with how ex-pats are employed on St Helena today (though at the other end of the employment scale).{4} Apparently forward planning was as lacking in 1811 as it often is 200 years later! ☺.{5} Today a stoneblower is a machine used in railway construction to pack an area with small stones. Presumably in the early 19th Century this function was performed manually.{6} According to the Wiktionary a Pitcher is an (obsolete) term for A sort of crowbar for digging. Presumably in this context a Picher is the man who wielded this crowbar.{7} This is sometimes claimed to explain why there are very few Chinese surnames on the island, though in our opinion it is more likely that the Chinese did not marry local people and children fathered by the Chinese were treated as illegitimate and retained their mothers surname.{8} We are not convinced that these punishments are the same as being punished in the same manner as if the offender were a British Subject
{9} It is strange that the fine is denominated in Dollars. In the early 19th Century the circulating money on St Helena was somewhat eclectic! We guess that 2 dollars would have been around £8.00, i.e. around 5 months pay.{10} We assume this was some form of assistance fund for those workers who became sick and were unable to earn money for food, etc.{11} Governor Mark Wilks seems to have been a humanitarian.{12} That is, the economic decrease resulting from the departure of the troops after Napoleons death.{13} In the areas now known as China Lane and Drummond Hay Square.{14} Father of John Melliss.